Clone Wars Weequay pirate mask!!UPDATE:2 NEW CASTINGS

In the one you used at the con, what is that pasty stuff all over the mask? is it glue cause of the rip? do you have a photo of you all dressed up at CC?

In the one you used at the con, what is that pasty stuff all over the mask? is it glue cause of the rip? do you have a photo of you all dressed up at CC?

the pasty stuff is just a small batch of silicone that I dyed white to give it some color. As for the pics of me at the con, sadly no, but all I had on was a pair of jeans, black hoodie, and mask.
Painted it a little more and made a headband, need to add a hair braid, some teeth, and some ear stuff:




It says: EAT LASER

It says: SUPERprops. :)

Please post what you think.

EDIT:I just noticed that the camera and the eyes(were to big) were causing warping in the pic.
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I did some more work on it last night(pics are kinda dark cause the flash was making it look different).




hope you like it!
Whow that's great! I'd like to see some pictures of you wearing the final mask you painted!:angel

Thanks! I wish I could,Sorry man but I put a foam head in it and it's not gonna come out without ruining it:unsure. So it's more of a bust, I might start a Hando Ohnaka bust(and sell a few) I just started on his helmet, plus I always wanted to make his costume.
Update: I've decided that this one is not the most S/A so im sculpting verson 2!! Note: I will still have these molds so if anyone wants them we can discuss a price via P.M.