Master Replicas Luke V2 Sample Stolen

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Now fingerprint it and find out who took it...

Just because amnesty is offered, doesn't mean it should be honored...
Come on. It's just a lightsaber. No need for a witch hunt. It's back where it belongs...if it was ever really stolen to begin with. Companies pull all kinds of crap for publicity these days. You never know. It certainly is possible. Either way, MR has their prop back.
Glad to hear it was returned too. That was pretty low to steal it. I'm glad we can now all enjoy the replica.
Theft is definately low without question but it's not as if this thing was an irreplacable work of art.

hmm, this sounds like a cheap publicity stunt.

All the fuss with no timely follow up on it's return had me considering the same thing(hang out on this board long enough and you will see all sorts of wierdness). Now I can stop losing sleep. And kudos to the post office for being able to deliver a package with such a vague address label. :confused
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I don't think that was the address lable, I think the sender used it a piece of scrap paper to write a note on when he or she was at the post office mailing it back.
Is it possible the person was dumb enough to not only just take it, but dumb enough then 2 days later to just send it back, AND dumb enough to include a handwritten note apologizing?

I think Mr should ask for his address to give him a free prize , im sure he will provide it...
Well, I'm glad everything turned out alright in the end. My friends and I were looking at it when we first arrived and when we were in line for the Falcon key try, we saw it gone and joked that it must've walked...never thinking it actually did. I even jokingly wondered if anyone would notice if I put the Falcon under my shirt.

Pretty low after MR was kind enough to treat us to an up close viewing. I'm really glad it found it's way back.
Same here. I was in line with Chris R. waiting to try my "losing" keys in the lock and we saw it had been taken.

First off, I will say it was very cool to actually hold it and the other protoytpes that were for auction. You normally dont get to do that and MR showed a level of trust in it's party invitees.

Second, whoever did it must have been very good at slight-of-hand because there were always people around at the tables. I am seriously surprised that no one saw it happen. I figured that there were a few people involved in grabbing it.

Third. People suck. All it takes is 1 or 2 chucklheads to ruin a great time. Besides having to wait 90 minutes for a bus ride back from the party, I had a fantastic time. Great food, entertainment and friends.

Thanks to MR for putting that shindig on. :)
People suck. All it takes is 1 or 2 chucklheads to ruin a great time.

Not only a great time, but perhaps the chance that opportunities like this will ever happen again, which kind of spoils it for everyone, MR included. They'll most likely be on the defensive when it comes to doing things like this again, if they ever do. Who can blame them?

Glad it was returned and I certainly hope the scumbag/s who did it will get some bad karma thrown their way. They really deserve it. Man, I HATE theives! :angry
Is it possible the person was dumb enough to not only just take it, but dumb enough then 2 days later to just send it back, AND dumb enough to include a handwritten note apologizing?

I'm not sure what you're basing that judgement on. The risk assesment involved in taking the article is self-evident. But the returning of it is not only the right thing to do given the outlash, but with a 409 wipe down and careful handling of the mailing materials, there is minimal risk involved being identified if she/he wishes to remain anonymous.

Returning it is not, in my opinion, stupid. It shows sound judgement after an episode of less than sound judgement. My personal opinion, but I've dealt with incidents like these for the last 16-years of my job with young troops, sailors, and Marines exercising their liberty to "take" things when not supervised. In all cases (with me at least) if it's returned in a reasonable amount of time, the punishment (if any) is apropriate or waived.

I think, when you put it into civilian context, this is a happy ending and handled very well by both parties.
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I diasagree. A crime has still taken place and therefore no punishement should be waved. Just because they chose to redeem themselves due to backlash does not make the crime any less punisheable. The bottom line is whoever did it knew ahead of time that it was wrong to do so and no leniency should be provided. What kind of example do we set if we allow people to get away with such things just because they attempt to right their wrong? It should be known that nomatter what the outcome, a punishement should take place due to the crime committed. Period. I'd hate to live in a place where just because people say they're sorry it makes it all ok in the end.
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All's well, ends well.

I'm glad they got it back period.....

moving along..
MR made it clear that if it was returned no questions would be asked. Make no mistake, stealing the saber was a low thing to do, but I admire the person for realizing their mistake and making amends. While MR is still within their rights to try to track down the person I think they're doing the right thing by honoring their promise to let the crime go unpunished. I deal with kids every day and I'm always impressed when they own up to mistakes. We all make them, but we don't all admit and do what we can to correct them.
Glad to hear MR has their saber back. Nice to see there is some "honor" among thieves.

This thread has served its purpose now that the saber is back to MR.
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