RPF New Look Feedback Thread

Re: New Look

It is too wide for me.

You are incorrectly assuming that all users are:
1. Not using any cell phone, netbook, pad or other device, that doesn't have 1024×768 resolution or higher.
2. Maximizing their browser windows. This is something that I never do. I often have two browser windows side by side on a 1980×1200 monitor, or several windows somewhat overlapping. When I visit this forum, I often open one window for each thread that I want to read. Then I read them and close them off. When I need to refer to a thread, post or another member in a new post, I often keep one window for writing the post itself and a couple of other windows where I do my searches.

I have always said that a fixed width layout is the mark of a lazy web designer ...
I just wanted to repeat this for effect.

I think there's an overwhelming support, demand and need to bring back a variably fixed RPF. I know Art's said that they would at the very least consider the opinions of the membership - I do believe that the points made by Darth Lars show a very strong argument to bring back the variable width that has been couple with public support to do the same.

We've got 'The Junkyard' name back due to popular demand. Hopefully, since there's both a demand and demonstrated need - and let's face, there really doesn't seem to be any real reason not to have the forum set for variable width - we can bring this back.

Let me take a look and see what you have here. Either way, thanks for putting them together!

Cool, and you're more than welcome, they're yours if you like 'em. If not...well, like I said, they only cost me a couple of minutes, so no biggie.

On another note: I am posting this on my daughter's craptastic netbook (I hate these things. lol), and the new skin fits perfectly. :thumbsup
Re: New Look

We've got 'The Junkyard' name back due to popular demand.

As I tried to point out in the Junkyard renaming thread, we didn't restore the Junkyard name due to popular demand. That would imply that all that was needed to make us act was to simply badger us enough and that is simply not how things work. We restored the Junkyard name because there was enough sound logic presented to do so.

I think there's an overwhelming support, demand and need to bring back a variably fixed RPF.

"Overwhelming support" is a bit of a stretch. There are those who like variable width, those who don't, and the vast majority who just don't care.

In regard to going back to variable width, it isn't changing.

For the small group of those who feel like they MUST have variable width, we have left the Legacy style in place and Exoray and several others have been generous enough to provided solutions for those who want to further customize their experience here at the RPF with the new styles.

For those on mobile devices, we have Tapatalk installed and also plan to purchase vBulletin's soon-coming "Mobile Suite" to provide a more mobile friendly experience.

vBulletin Mobile Suite - Blogs - vBulletin Community Forum
Re: New Look

As I tried to point out in the Junkyard renaming thread, we didn't restore the Junkyard name due to popular demand. That would imply that all that was needed to make us act was to simply badger us enough and that is simply not how things work. We restored the Junkyard name because there was enough sound logic presented to do so.
You say potato, I say potato... ;)

I do think if you read close enough there's enough sound logic for variable width as well.
I made theRPF.com my new sponsor.

(I added the .com so I could quit answering the question)

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i don't know if it's been brought up, but i'm not sure how i feel about having to scroll to the top of the page to view attached images that i click on. it's minor, but i really liked the old way better. with the new way i tend to lose my place in the thread.

i'm also having a hard time closing them once they're open.
is this something that's happening to everyone?

i like the new look though. i think it's pretty much spot on. i also like that we have the option to still use the legacy skin.
good job!
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I really like the new style, the blue color goes well with my desktop theme. Well done :thumbsup The fixed width isn't such a big deal, I just use Firefox's zoom control to enlarge the page a couple steps.

i don't know if it's been brought up, but i'm not sure how i feel about having to scroll to the top of the page to view attached images that i click on...

I always right click the pics and open in a new tab, that way the page position is unchanged. When I'm done, just close the tab.
New guy here. I wondered around the site when it had its old skin. Registered not to long ago and realized the new look. I must say it looks beautiful.
Shiney! Great job, a successful redesign that doesn't change the way a site works!

One more thing, is that I would give the Post Reply / Post New buttons a vector do-over.

Apart from that, perfect job!
Added Organic Mechanic's buttons. Give us your thoughts.

Um, I liked the default Vb buttons better as for a match at least with the dark theme, the shift to the new brighter color is just as far off colorwise as the default button... And the absence of the drop shadow around the test to me makes the text look out of focus...

Maybe a closer color match the the existing table divider bars?

I have no objections to the new look, I'm pretty comfortable with it :thumbsup

However, I was out for a bit last night, whipped out the blackberry and thought I'd take a look and see what was up for sale in the junkyard and "OUCH!!!!" it looks horrible on a blackberry...the icons are a mess, can't even make them out. I saw a few posts back that you have something in the works for mobile users, and while its not my primary method for browsing the RPF, I do use it on occasion. I'm getting a white background, with totally unrecognizable images where the icons should be.

Also, if you're still thinking about re-designing the Junkyard icon, the first thought was someone standing beside a mailbox checking their watch...
I have no objections to the new look, I'm pretty comfortable with it :thumbsup

However, I was out for a bit last night, whipped out the blackberry and thought I'd take a look and see what was up for sale in the junkyard and "OUCH!!!!" it looks horrible on a blackberry...the icons are a mess, can't even make them out. I saw a few posts back that you have something in the works for mobile users, and while its not my primary method for browsing the RPF, I do use it on occasion. I'm getting a white background, with totally unrecognizable images where the icons should be.

vBulletin is supposed to be releasing a mobile style in conjunction with their mobile app suite (the suite will work for iphone and android, the style will work for all others). We plan to implement the style as soon as it is available.

Also, if you're still thinking about re-designing the Junkyard icon, the first thought was someone standing beside a mailbox checking their watch...

vBulletin is supposed to be releasing a mobile style in conjunction with their mobile app suite (the suite will work for iphone and android, the style will work for all others). We plan to implement the style as soon as it is available.


Browsing the forum on the BB has been awkward, so I'm hoping that the style change will help. I usually have to zoom in a few times before I can read the text, and images take forever.

Thanks for the reply Art.

Um, I liked the default Vb buttons better as for a match at least with the dark theme, the shift to the new brighter color is just as far off colorwise as the default button... And the absence of the drop shadow around the test to me makes the text look out of focus...

Maybe a closer color match the the existing table divider bars?


Yeah, my bad. I made 'em with the laptop unplugged. The darkened screen must have tripped up my eyes. They are too bright. I really thought I had done the DS though...
Yeah, my bad. I made 'em with the laptop unplugged. The darkened screen must have tripped up my eyes. They are too bright. I really thought I had done the DS though...

Since the divider bars have a fade and the button has a 3D effect, it's really hard to find a happy shift in the tone that blends... I cut out the section of the divider bar and placed it right next to the button as I was playing around with the color shifts... To further complicate the color shifting (when using the Vbulletin GDK) the blue is actually a semi-transparent layer on top of a grayish 3D effect button so you have that transparency and underlying graphic messing with any shift in color you do as well...
Alright... we have put in another round of slight color updates to the buttons, making them darker, and hopefully closer to the color of the header bars. These seem to show up better so unless anyone has horrible issues with them, this is probably what we are going to go with.
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