[WIP] Maleficent- cheek prosthetics page 5, molds of all the things in progress!

Re: Maleficent costume, all of them? Maaaaayyybe...

Thank you :)

I mentioned how difficult the fabric manipulation was so I hope these help explain why ;)

Before and after cutting off the selvage of the main fabric. It really did skew my layout a heck of a lot. But clearing enough space to lay the fabric meant taking over the full lounge!

The layout for the lining (gown and sleeves.)

I’ll cut out the “leather” extensions on the weekend (I hope) and then get some suitable lining from somewhere- probably a black charmeuse to match the crepe back satin lining everything else. It will be cut on the straight so as to control the flare a little more. So I may also want some interfacing for the train. Just some light fusable knit.
Re: Maleficent costume, all of them? Maaaaayyybe...

Thank you :)

I can't get the attachments to work right so I'll have to describe them as they appear below:
Each piece has to be sorted to put shell back to lining back and then get pinned. An effort normally frustrating anyway but this was all on the bias so it was prone to buckline. You can see the fabric surface and how it folded back in the three photos of my hand smoothing fabric down.

This was done for every panel so far:
Four large sleeve pieces with satin lining for each
Two front panels with satin lining for each
Two back panels with satin lining for each
Two side front skirt panels with satin lining for each
Two side back skirt panels with satin lining for each
Two side back bodice panels with satin lining for each


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Re: Maleficent costume, all of them? Maaaaayyybe...

Thank you :) I normally avoid bias like the plague- it is not friendly to pronounced curves usually- but being a heavy fabric on another heavy fabric means it winds up being sculptural. Even pinned on it looks nice :) Not looking forward to committing and clipping that front seam back but it will have to happen at some stage :)

And sadly the beautiful machine that was making beautiful stitches (the needle is set on the side so the stitches seem to lock so much more firmly) kind of went all Exocist on me and made a horrific noise (thought there was a bat sized bumble bee dive bombing me) and then made a smell that smelt very much like burning viscose (of which I had nothing near the machine and our carpet is wool)...

So Now I'm going to dig out my beasty Husquvarna from the 1960s. Even if I don't have the same tiny lock stitch I do have a wide bed attachment :)

Today will be adding more silicone keys so I can start making the jacket then start casting the horns :)
Re: Maleficent costume, all of them? Maaaaayyybe...

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Epic train is epic. And will require a bit of work, more than the original I think as it looks like flat leather whereas I have used a good cotton knit backed fake leather. So I'll have to figure out the most secure lining method. Luckily the CB seam is used for shaping as I think there is enough stretch for me to try for a method used in a lot of recreation garments, though never did find the evidence- the most obvious name "sandwich" is used for other methods.
corsetmakers: Again one of those "how do you make your seams" post ... ;-)
Lukcily this explains it really well :) So I'll be able to hand sew or top stitch through all the layers so as to make a super strong seam.
Re: Maleficent costume, all of them? Maaaaayyybe...

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Side one of the jacket support for the molds is done! I'm hoping
Re: Maleficent costume, all of them? Maaaaayyybe...

Side two is done! In a sweet spot weather wise as it is now raining again but my pieces are inside :) Today I also finally managed to budget for a Dremel 3000 as it will fit the workpress thing and it comes with a flexi shaft and a few accessories I don't already have. Oh and it is about half the size of my old rotary tool and I get to actually call it a Dremel! Woot!

Pics tomorrow as it's pretty much the same as above but with the hold molds upside down and wobbling all over the place.

On Thursday I have a hospital visit (good timing as my general immune issues are sort of showing up again) but may manage a reccy to the nearest fabric store to get fabric for the lining. I really desperately need a good quality lining that will hold up to the weight of the full train.

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Some better photos of the gown :)
Re: Maleficent costume, all of them? Maaaaayyybe...

It was the most ridiculous story of how I found that fabric. Really ridiculous...

A few years back I was asked to help out on an indie SCI Fi movie, my health meant I was not able to do more than make a few designs and then do a fabric swatch book. WHich included this fabric.
I suggested it was ideal for his Big Bad character as the name of the fabric is "predator" and the fabric itself either shows true under outdoor lighting, or disappears under high contrast but the texture just makes anything come to life.

So I now have it as non was taken :) I don't think.

Today I'll be attempting to free the horns from the jacket which means tidying my jackets. New Dremel has been purchased for this very instance. No fibreglassing until current rash has gone.
Re: Maleficent costume, all of them? Maaaaayyybe...

I admit! I made the train a little too big! Just taking a short break having sewn the lining to the train and now pinned the dress panels in place. I sill need to account for the sleeves.. which means ironing. urgh!

So I got the iron out and this doesn't look like I have done much but that is what is so frustrating about bias: given so few seams it is hard to tell what that half inch of change actually does...

Anyway the sleeves are now properly pinned in to the sides, just going to unpick part of the top seam along to sleeve so I can sew the sleeve to the back panels as well.
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I still need to now even up the left side (visually RHS) and start clipping the CF seam to allow the front to hang more softly.

Photos tomorrow of the inside as it is a bit of a non-intuitive layout, which is exactly why I fell in love with this gown in the first place :)
Re: Maleficent costume, all of them? Maaaaayyybe...

Horns have not yet been freed but I am about to tack the sleeves in place and then leave the gown for the evening. But I had to try to see if I could get the collar to work and yep!
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Maleficent collar template! | The Plain Jane Costume Chronicles

So yep, a lot of patterns work best by templating in card. Rigid items for sure. I started making corsets this way- well barely started; my Cersei corset is in pieces as I just haven't had the impetus to try and figure out a way to stamp the patterns without actually creating purpose stamps...- and it works really well. Probably also for some nice new look jackets and skirts.

So, to the coloured thread and hand needles and time to stitch the sleeves in place (note how the pins are on the outside of the sleeve seam? I'll have to do a loose whip/overcats/overhand stitch so I can fold the fabric back to machine sew properly.
Re: Maleficent costume, all of them? Maaaaayyybe...

this looks awesome. I'm helping a friend do Maleficent as well. We 3d printer the horns and covered with worbla. Have you figured out the large ring she wears? I've not been able to find a good reference photos.. One view looks like a weird crystal. another possibly a dragon in a perched position. IMG_20140507_212706_522[1].jpgIMG_20140508_175720_367[1].jpgIMG_20140511_092445_140[1].jpgIMG_20140511_092620_700[1].jpg
Re: WIP: Maleficent christening gown.

There was a licenced prop of her ring that looked like a tower or other abstract piece :) I think it's "out of stock" like the beautiful licenced horns (replaced by not so nice ones) and staff.

I just came in to the possession of a cutting machine so will probably cut the ring from thin plastic and back fill to hold it together :) The neck pendant is a bit difficult to figure out. I may wind up making a piece from epoxy putty as the microballoons make it easy to direct sculpt and it's very light :)

Made progress on the gown:
Maleficent, so much wrangling | The Plain Jane Costume Chronicles

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Lining up the back panels ready for the full train.

To fit the sleeves really well I pinned them in to place on the top and then overcast them. This allowed me to open this up on the inside and machine then in place. The seams for the sleeves crosses over panels that still need to be adjustable so this was the best option. I have wound up with a full fishtail gown with sleeves inset and over sewn as well as a train partially inset.
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Re: WIP: Maleficent christening gown.

I found the ring as well. but it's hard to say what it is. Here's a good close up of the broach or necklace. I sculpted the broach last nigh and am pouring it in clear resin and will paint. This view looks like a bird skull painted or maybe a dragon claw. Will post pics one mine comes out of the mold if you want to see it. Also look at the ring. it looks different from the toy one for sale. This looks like a dragon. View attachment mal-00025-05140_r.jpg
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Re: WIP: Maleficent christening gown.

You should start your own WIP thread :)

About to go vacuum my workroom to free my molds and hope they are okay. If not I'll be direct modelling in paste as I nearly got it right the first time- just eveyrthing set up too fast as it was a lot warmer than it is now.
Re: WIP: Maleficent christening gown.

I'm going to start a WIP on it. Just have not had time..lol. If the horns don't turn out you might think of carving them in foam and coating them with styospray. It a plastic coating and you don't have to seal the foam before applying. I use it to cover iron man armor pieces out of foam. Here's a link and good luck with your molds. StyroSpray Hard Coatings : Industrial Polymers
Re: WIP: Maleficent christening gown.

No photos today but yesterday was spent hand tacking the various layers together. And today machining over them. I also got a layer of resin in the molds (epoxy and cabosil as a coat then a mix of resin, fibre, microballoons and pigments). Blech my gloves broke so I have resin on my hands which is transfering to everything!

My camera needs charging and I think the charger is in the workroom. SIgh. Sigh further as I was supposed to also start the head mount tonight. The collar support has been cut but it really needs a good cover and the urethane coating melts with contact spray so I'll have to sew up a cover instead.

I have 6 days, well five really to get this done. Whyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!
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