Studio Half Scale TOS Enterprise Scratch build

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I don't have any intentions of hijacking the thread, but since some have suggested the Botany Bay, I thought I should point out that a 1/2 Studio Scale Botany Bay is one of the kits I've had out for years--



It is 21.5 inches long. Mastered off scaled photos I took of the original filming model when it came through Greg Jein's shop for restoration.


At the very top of this photo, you can see the beginning sculpt of the Romulan ship from Next Generation!

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Guys I need some time to recover from this one. Now how about something a bit smaller. Less complicated. Lower parts count. Doesn't need to be made out of hard back breaking fiber glass layup. All Alumilite. And doesn't take a year to make and something more of you can afford to buy.

That should keep your thinking caps on. I have to go finish of this last batch of kits.



TNG Medkit, Sisko's desk, Any of the TNG-DS9 or Voyager desktop computer
consoles or maybe a photon torpedo casing. much would a kit of your Enterprise cost anyway??????
well, it looks like the well of TOS subjects has run dry. unless you go "off book" and into the non canon realm of FASA or Franz Joeseph designs. And I don't know that there is a design there worthy of Steve's talents or the price he'd need to ask for them.

if you look at the remastered series ( semi-canon acording to some).

maybe the Antaries (since the same design was used in the animated episode)

and BTW, Scott's Botany Bay is the Bee's knees!
I remember that one..... I remember that I was going to do one of those and a D-7 and ROMBOP when I got the 350th TOS was done. Unfortunately, I caught so much hell just trying to get the TOS to market.... Glad to be helping Scott with his.... Can't wait to see his new photos, I've got another part I'm going to help him with.

But, I digress... With regards to suggestions for new products. You and I have discussed one.... I don't know, are you wanting to stay in the TOS era? When Scott came to visit I only got to show him 9000, or so models that I had been playing around with... There's just so many different things that haven't been done for years.... There are also things that haven't been done right, or in larger, or smaller scales... Which genre and era are you commited to?

I don't have any intentions of hijacking the thread, but since some have suggested the Botany Bay, I thought I should point out that a 1/2 Studio Scale Botany Bay is one of the kits I've had out for years--



It is 21.5 inches long. Mastered off scaled photos I took of the original filming model when it came through Greg Jein's shop for restoration.


At the very top of this photo, you can see the beginning sculpt of the Romulan ship from Next Generation!

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Lou, Will, John, Joe. I've thought of all of these. Even a big big Shuttle for the large Playmates action figures. Nobe are simple although the shuttle is close. But then there's the interior. And she would be over 60 inches long! Yikes. I'm thinking on it.


Well, let's work on a project together. Your Enterprise is awesome, I'm surprised that you don't have more people negging for a kit.
Thanks Joe I have reduced the size to some where between 30-40 inches. But I have my hands full right now until next year.

I've been following this amazing project via YouTube, and just had to join up and post here. This Enterprise model is a thing of skill and beauty - I truly am extremely impressed by the dedication and superb craftsmanship that has gone into the build.

What more can I say, but well done Steve! You're a master craftsman and no mistake. :D

I would love to build one of your TOS Enterprise kits, but sadly lack the space to do so (and I wouldn't even have the space to store it). Even if I had the space, I have to confess that I am lousy when it comes to accurate cutting, trimming, drilling etc so would need to buy one ready to paint and then assemble (if such a kit existed).

Maybe one day ......... :)
I might just about be able to fit into my work room a 1/350 scale kit .......... now there's an idea for your next project. ;)
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Well there is that company (what's their name again?) that making one half this size. However it doesn't look right to me fro some reason.

There's two 1/350 scale kits that I see are in development and due out in 2012 - one by Polar Lights, the other by Round 2 Models.

Would prefer one from you though Steve. ;)
Well that will never happen. Polar has them all lined up like lemmings on a cliff. LOL! Just kidding.

Complete with deeply scribed grid lines and all( the real thing didn't have them! Pencil lines don't count!). Actually it looks like a pretty good kit and with a little work it can be malformed and corrected enough to look like the real thing. Hell they even give you a t-shirt. All that for 150 bucks I could never beat. And made in China too!

Order on now and you can get the shirt to hold you over until god knows when. ;) LOL!

Well there's nothing like a little fun and laughs. Really I'm not putting them down at all. They should be commended for picking the Original girl over that newer Clown footed ugly duckling!

Now keep in mine that's my opinion. Others may differ. LOL! ;)

Same here - major kudos to them for developing such kits. I may even buy one (but I'll wait to read a few reviews here first).

As for the design used for the latest ST movie - nah, I'm not a fan either, it just looks so very wrong.

Must admit that my favourite Enterprise isn't the TOS version, but the refit - don't get me wrong, I love the TOS version, but for my own tastes the refit has more of a swan-like grace and elegance. Still, it's a very close call between the two, and I'd be extremely proud to have a 1/350 sized kit of either (or even larger if I had the space!). :)

The only Enterprise kit I have is the Bandai refit (1/850) - not exactly a major challenge to assemble it, seeing as it's just a matter of fitting the wiring and lights then snapping it together, but it's a nice little model (although with a few flaws).
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