Interest The Pink Panther "DIAMOND"!!! Hand-Carved Crystal Glass w/ 3D Laser Etched Panther!!!

I think this is a picture of the original prop. But the one in the opening credits of the Return of the Pink Panther is oval not teardrop. I'm sure Relic Maker has already done research on the variants.
I won't be able to the necklace above... Just sourcing everything for the necklace part would be difficult, and having it custom made would be very expensive.
Plus, the stone above would not work in having a 3D image etched into it. There has to be one good flat side to be able to have a 3D image etched into the stone, which is why I chose the stone in the first posting as the best design of the prop to use...
Just trying to make this project practical, doable, and affordable... ;)
Interested. I'd definitely prefer if its shape could be accurate (within reason) to a particular on-screen version, but understand the constraints of trying to get the panther image to work.

Personally, the Return of the Pink Panther version is what always sticks in my mind:

Interested. I'd definitely prefer if its shape could be accurate (within reason) to a particular on-screen version, but understand the constraints of trying to get the panther image to work.

Personally, the Return of the Pink Panther version is what always sticks in my mind:

Wow! That diamond in the video looks almost identical to my "Indiana Jones Lao Che/Peacock Diamond"! :lol:

Peacock4sm.jpg Peacock7sm.jpg Peacock8sm2.jpg
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Wow! That diamond in the video looks almost identical to my "Indiana Jones Lao Che/Peacock Diamond"! :lol:
Never noticed that before, but you may be right - only obvious difference I see is the Pink Panther appears to be roughly double the size.

I wonder if you could just scale-up your Indy replica? That would be convenient!

Here's its reveal at the end:

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Interested. I'd definitely prefer if its shape could be accurate (within reason) to a particular on-screen version, but understand the constraints of trying to get the panther image to work.

Personally, the Return of the Pink Panther version is what always sticks in my mind:

I made the original necklace, and I'm very interested in a "Return" version as long as it is screen accurate (or else why bother...?). Good luck!
I'm not interested for myself but have been trying to source one of these for a friend who's a HUGE Panther fan so you can add my name for his sake.
I made the original necklace, and I'm very interested in a "Return" version as long as it is screen accurate (or else why bother...?). Good luck!
When you say you made the original necklace, do you mean the one used in the movie?!

Also, I am interested in this run, looks great. Great movies.
Theguitarman - A few years ago I made a replica of the original Pink Panther diamond necklace from the original movie. See post #21 from Lightning above for a photo. I have wanted the "Return" version of the diamond alone (no necklace) for a long time but didn't have the skillset nor materials to make a good replica. So I'm hoping RelicMaker can make this happen.